
Automating Video Surveillance & Event Detection with AerWatch

Many traditional video management solutions don’t meet the real- world requirements or use cases that customers need. While there are various AI-based CCTV video analytics solutions to choose from, it can be difficult to find a solution that provides high accuracy, produces few errors or instances of false alarm, and that fits within an organisation’s existing workflows. In addition, customers often struggle to determine the appropriate hardware or optimal camera position for their given use case, resulting in an inefficient use of resources and operator time.

To help customers overcome these challenges, AerVision Technologies created AerWatch, an intuitive AI-based CCTV video analytics solution that reduces monitoring workloads and simplifies day-to-day operations for operators by integrating into existing workflows.

Aerwatch: AI-based Video Analytics

AerVision’s AerWatch is a highly efficient and accurate AI-based CCTV video monitoring solution that automatically detects, recognises, tracks, and monitors a wide range of objects, people, and events.

It combines sensing and computer vision to enable functions such as:

  • People & object detection with activity classification
  • Single & multi-camera target tracking
  • Recognition using biometric information or appearance
  • Monitoring crowd behaviour


AerWatch is a software-based solution that adds to existing CCTV monitoring systems to function alongside building, security, and video management systems. This enables customers to deploy the solution on their current infrastructure—no additional hardware is required.

The solution enables businesses across various verticals—including aviation, retail, and commercial property to enhance safety and security, gain insights into their premises and how people interact with their space, and improve workload efficiency. AerWatch does this by:

  • Utilising advanced technology designed to operate automatically, giving security operators more time & the freedom to ignore distractions or “noise” from everyday events or people.
  • Providing real-time alerts allows security personnel to act immediately & reduce response times.
  • It offers a dashboard with real-time analytics that shows operators data about the current situation and historical statistics for insights into events and processes over time.
  • Augmenting CCTV video streams in real-time with virtual lanyards to provide situational awareness, such as understanding who is in a specific area (e.g., whether it’s a visitor, the CEO, a staff member, etc.) and crowd behaviour and movement.
  • Identifying precursor events, allowing for timely intervention before a situation escalates.
  • It offers compatibility with most major video management systems (including (including Genetec & Gallagher), a system that can perform load balancing on CPU and GPU cores, and a simple API feature that allows easy third-party software integration.

AerWatch is a powerful tool that enables companies to implement new capabilities and use cases beyond traditional video security systems. Whether a school, a shopping center, or a warehouse, the solution provides unprecedented insights into the operations of customer locations.

How to Deploy AerWatch

AerWatch specialists begin by mapping a customer’s existing capabilities and identifying pain points to recommend the AerVision capabilities best suited to meet their unique needs and desired outcomes. AerWatch also consults with customers on their current video systems to help customers optimise the use of their existing infrastructure.

The AerVision Team can also improve efficiency by suggesting changes to a camera’s field of view or position and location. In addition, they may recommend supplementary hardware to enable new use cases that existing infrastructure cannot manage. The customisation portion of the process can be iterative, and AerVision works with customers on setting success criteria during the consultation phase.

AerVision also enables customers to get the most out of their hardware by optimising the solution for Intel® Xeon® processor-based virtual servers, removing the need for expensive, dedicated physical hardware. This reduces customer costs as Intel Xeon processors allow the solution to handle more camera streams efficiently. In addition, by optimising the solution with the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit, customers can achieve even more outstanding performance on Intel-based virtual servers.

AerWatch is both an on-premise and cloud-based solution, depending on customer preference. The solution can receive video streams directly from cameras or through an existing video management system that is being used on-site.

The AI engine analyses video input to track, identify, monitor, and recognise humans and objects. The contextual alarm and annotation data are sent back to the video management system or the on-site security information management system to notify the correct individuals with the necessary information to enable timely action.

Another option is to use a hybrid camera system. This system sends the camera footage from the site to the cloud for AI processing. Actionable intelligence from those video streams is then sent back to the physical site.

As users use the solution over time, it becomes increasingly accurate and efficient. AerWatch’s AI engine is a continuous learning mechanism, meaning it learns on the job and adapts to new information, enabling even better performance over time.

AI Based Monitoring, Detecting, Recognising & Tracking

AerWatch can automatically detect, recognise, track and monitor a wide range of objects, people, and events. It provides real-time dashboards showing the current situation along with historical statistics. AerWatch AI tech works automatically, letting security operators focus on strangers and possible threats. It runs in the background, giving them more time to ignore normal events and people who belong at the facility.

Precise Object Detection & Classification

AerWatch®’s powerful Al engine constantly learns what is expected in a CCTV video stream, looks for anything unusual, and matches with pre-defined rule-based events. As soon as AerWatch® detects any event of interest, an alarm is created on the Video Management System (VMS).

The learning process is constant, and the engine adapts to the environment, reducing any potential false alarm. AerWatch® provides unprecedented insight into the behaviour of people in a given space. Examples include:

  • For tracking & behaviour analysis of people across waypoints
  • Average travel time between point A & point B
  • Dwell & Queue time
  • An accurate count of people in/out at each waypoint, such as an entry or exit
  • Object classification (Adult/Child/Pram/Trolley)

Facial Recognition

AerWatch Facial Recognition provides accurate, real-time face identification and augments a virtual lanyard on each separate face that appears in the video stream. Additionally, the system uses multiple algorithms to identify any person of interest accurately and can raise an alarm through the VMS when a match is made.

The foundation of AerWatch®’s Facial Recognition system is based on decades of research and development, including several scientific breakthroughs in computer vision, artificial intelligence, and deep learning. It has undergone many years of rigorous testing by a team of world-class biometrics and AI scientists and engineers.

AerWatch® Facial Recognition uses multi-frame recognition, which makes it truly video-based. The system will process any video-capturing device, including CCTV streams, in real-time to match against an existing database. Organizations can use their HR database images and manually add watchlist images. AerWatch® Recognition can process hundreds of video-capturing devices.

Number Plate Recognition

AerWatch® Number plate recognition can be used by organisations to keep track of authorised vehicles on the facility – whether it be making sure that only employee vehicles are in company lots, or identifying which cars are pulling into areas designated for employees only. When an unauthorised plate is detected, an alert can be sent. This sounds like a great way to make the most of human resources – because a human no longer needs to manually check and reference number plates.


Monitoring and behaviour analysis of crowds. Combination of appearance and identity¬based tracking allows tracking within a camera view as well as between multiple cameras (inter camera view).

Occupancy & Social Distancing Monitoring

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s now essential that organisations can monitor their compliance with social distancing and occupancy limits accurately and in real time.

With AerWatch® proprietary analytics software, organisations can comply with government occupancy limitations and social distancing regulations to offer their staff and visitors a safe environment. Furthermore, AerWatch® provides real-time occupancy monitoring and automated alerts anytime your facilities’ occupancy levels reach the maximum allowable levels, enabling you to control how many people can enter and adjust your staffing levels as required.

Key Differentiators

  • Provides real-time alerts, allowing you or your security personnel to act immediately.
  • Has multiple watchlist capabilities, including whitelists and blacklists.
  • It can be used to augment CCTV video streams in real-time with virtual lanyards to provide unprecedented situational awareness, i.e., who is in a specific area, is it a visitor, an executive, a staff member or a contractor.
  • Identifies precursor events, allowing for timely intervention before situations escalate.
  • Compatibility with several VMS systems, including Genetec, Milestone/SiVeillance and more.
  • Load balancing on CPU and GPU cores is distributed on the network.
  • Simple API feature that allows for easy 3rd party software integration.


Call us on 1300 556 334 or email [email protected] to learn more.

Customers in New Zealand call 0800 345 677 or email [email protected].